Wednesday, 19 October 2005

Normality returns ~

for some of us, at least. While the majority of us carry on with our normal, daily lives, sister Anne is back in Australia packing up her house to move back to New Zealand. Although she really wants to come home, this will not be an easy job for her as she is doing it without the help of Rex. Sending lots of cyber hugs your way, Anne. (((Anne)))

And back in the Smith household . . . it took most of the weekend to get things straight after having an extra 10 people in the house LOL. Couches and caravans returned . . . borrowed blankets, pillows returned . . .laundry finished! And I wouldn't have had it any other way! I met with some family that I hadn't seen for 10 years! The girls have all grown into young women. Chris and Janices' two children are great kids. I just feel as though I got to know everyone all over again. Terrible circumstances in which that should happen, but as someone said to me . . . there's a silver lining on every cloud. Here's hoping it won't be so long before we all meet again :-)

I went to the dentist yesterday cos I had toothache. What I thought would be a simple filling ending up with him taking out a wisdom tooth! So this blonde has even less wisdom and more blondeness now LOL. That won't go down too well at work! Seems to have fixed the toothache though!

Hoping to get off work today and go looking at bathroom stuff. The title for the section is due to come through hopefully next week, and we need to be ready to GO! If we are ready, maybe work can start before Christmas!

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