Sunday, 30 October 2005

The new 'screen time' rules

The poo hit the fan and a major discussion has been had regarding just how much time the boys spend in front of screens!

Dallas has finally taken charge of something that really annoys him. He has decreed that they will all get a total of 2 hours screen 'play' time during the school week.That is NOT two hours per day - but two hours total between Monday and Friday! Weekends will be a bit more lenient, but certainly not all day as has been known to happen. Time MUST be spent outside - hey, summers nearly here!

We will see how long it lasts!

Josh overnighted at a friends last night - Hamish had a Halloween party. It is the first time Josh has actually dressed up for Halloween. Not something that I am particularly interested in, so haven't encouraged it. Blenheims big fireworks display was on last night too, so they went to that, dressed up and watched a couple of scary movies.

I had work today, clearing the street receivers, but because I've been having problems for the last couple of weeks with my neck, Dal came and helped me. We got through it faster than I would have normally on my own, so that was good.

Tomorrow is Marlborough Anniversary - another long weekend. Think we might go through to Picton for a ride. Maybe do a bit of Christmas shopping through there, too.

I've been trying to get hold of Karl to get his tickets booked to come home next weekend. He's not wanting to answer his phone, though. He's had no money on it for the past couple of months, so I think he forgets about it and leaves it behind all the time. Oh well, he'll phone me when he realises that he has got no more nights left at the Halls and he needs to come home . . . won't he???

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