The day to day life of a disorganised mum who desparately wants to be organised and living a simple life.
I spy with my little eye...a BEE?Oh and the monostrosity could it be frame work for a vine of somesort to screen off perving eyes??
Are you growing a giant broad bean or extra large sweet peas?? Or could it be the start of a large soccer net so it doesn't go over the neighbours fence??
Umm..worker bees are all female, the male drones are only produced when the queen needs to mate. Lovely blossom!
LOL - caught out, Sarah. Thanks for stopping by and imparting some knowledge. I have so much to learn! I will read your blog with interest :-)
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I spy with my little eye...a BEE?
Oh and the monostrosity could it be frame work for a vine of somesort to screen off perving eyes??
Are you growing a giant broad bean or extra large sweet peas?? Or could it be the start of a large soccer net so it doesn't go over the neighbours fence??
Umm..worker bees are all female, the male drones are only produced when the queen needs to mate. Lovely blossom!
LOL - caught out, Sarah. Thanks for stopping by and imparting some knowledge. I have so much to learn! I will read your blog with interest :-)
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