Sunday, 25 July 2010


Sundays are normally spent thinking about all the things I need to do before going back to work on Monday . . but today I know I have an extra day up my sleeve.  Having a day off paid work tomorrow as we have the heat pump men coming to put a heat pump in the hallway in the morning and the dishwasher man coming in the afternoon to hopefully sort my dishwasher out.

Made yummy lemon drink this morning - so easy:

6 lemons
1.5kg sugar
50g Citric Acid
Boiling Water.

Peel the rind of 2 of the lemons being careful to get just the outer skin; no white pith.  Place the peel and 2 cups of the sugar in food processor and run the processor until the rind is really ground up and the sugar is yellow and oily looking.
Squeeze all 6 lemons and mix the juice with the lemon sugar, the remaining sugar and citric acid.  Add the boiling water to make up to 3 litres - stirring until the sugar dissolves.  Cool and store in the fridge.  Dilute cordial with cold water, fizz, soda, or hot water.

Easy peasy.  I have a jar of it at work - hot lemon drinks are perfect on cold mornings!

Have spent an hour this afternoon cuddling with a brand new baby - Oliver Carl - such a wee sweetie, but I forgot to take my camera!!

I think I want to come back as a cat.

The demon threesome waiting for their dinner.


Joshs quilt - nearly finished

Home made clochey thing - also protection from the chooks and dogs LOL
Mustard growing alongside.


The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Hey Denise thanks for that recipe, my lemon and grapefruit trees are heaving. Must make some of that and get some marmalade made :D

Denise said...

Our lemon tree has 2 lovely looking lemons on it - only planted it earlier this year - so consequently I'm still buying them.

Denny said...

Hahaha...Did puddy tat lose the remote control did he?It would have looked ideal tucked under his paw there..:)