Friday, 30 April 2010

This was written back in March . .

Things seem to have been difficult lately. I’ve been tired. I’ve had no enthusiasm. No get up and go. This is difficult when you want to live simply! I’m amazed at the energy you have to expend when you are just getting started. The garden needs digging, the house needs decluttering, a tighter rein needs to be held over finances, need to use a vehicle less and walk/bike more, make more things from scratch . . .

Still, by taking one step at a time, and making the most of times when the energy is there, it can be done. Slowly, for sure, but it can be done. Starting a course of Centrum multi vitamins has helped, too. I was taking Res V Plus, but at $99 for three months worth it got a bit expensive (especially when that was at one capsule day, and I was taking 2-3 per day !) They are great, though.

I’ve been trying not to push myself, and after a weekend of almost solid sleeping a few weeks ago I know that if I do push myself, that will happen again. I’m not doing anything in any particular order, just doing things as I feel. It’s a nice feeling to just potter.

I’ve redone household rosters. Some websites will tell you to clean a room a day, others offer guidance for a room per week all whilst doing the everyday basics. I’ve decided to list everything that needs doing in a particular room and doing it over 3-4 days. What doesn’t get done gets moved to the top of the list for the next time that room comes around. And no guilty feelings about not getting it all done!!

I have a decluttering list – started a couple of months ago – that I will continue on with. Starting in the bedroom . . . I’ve managed to keep my dressing table fairly junk free for the past month! This is a first for me.

The vege garden is still a work in progress for the winter season. Silverbeet has been planted – more for the chooks than anyone else. We still have buttercup pumpkins growing (they were bought as cucumbers!!!) and two watermelons will hopefully get to full size before it gets too cold. I’ve taken seeds from my heirloom tomato – Brandywine Pink – that will hopefully be able to be used next season. I would like to create a couple more gardens as well – we have found that we didn’t plant enough this year – especially the peas and beans - only enough to eat whilst working in the garden – certainly none left for dinner LOL. But it was a learning curve year so well worthwhile.

So we will continue to plod along. Not sure whether this blog will continue – writing on it is so sporadic and I wonder why I do it. I have so many photos sitting on the camera and computer that never get posted or printed or put in albums . . .

End of April Update:  Everything mentioned still needs doing LOL  Have had MIL in and out of hospital over the past six weeks, she has become quite dependant and stress levels have been reasonably high for everyone concerned.  But we are getting there, and so is she. 

1 comment:

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

I wondered where you had been! Sorry you've been having a rough time. Don't stop blogging, use it as a tool, to vent! ;) We all need that sometimes! ♥